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Please click on the image above for Directions to our Church


"Welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." 

(Romans 15:7)

We welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and we are pleased to introduce you to the worship, ministries and fellowship of our parish. Whether you are considering membership or you are already a member, we are glad you are with us and we are looking forward growing together in Christ!


Our Mission

The mission of our Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian Faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of our parish according to the Orthodox Christian Faith and Tradition.

The Greek Orthodox Church in America sanctifies the faithful through Divine worship, especially the Holy Eucharist, Baptism and other Sacraments. We are working on building the spiritual and ethical life of the faithful in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, the doctrines and canons of the Ecumenical and local Councils, the canons of the Holy Apostles and the Fathers of the Church and of all other Councils recognized by the Orthodox Church.


Weekly Bulletin and Events

10.13.2024 Weekly Bulletin

Youth Nights!

Philoptochos Fall Bazaar

Live stream

Together with in-person worship which is the best way to connect with God, our church services are webcasted live at:

Sunday Worship Hours

Orthros (Matins): 8:15 AM

Divine Liturgy: 9:30 AM.

Weekday Services 

Feasts of Our Lord, Virgin Mary & Saints 

Our parish church offers services on a number of weekdays. This is because most Dominical Feasts for our Lord Jesus Christ and feasts for the All-Holy Mother of God (Panagia Theotokos) occur on weekdays. Same is true for most feasts of major saints. During such feasts, we start Orthros (Matins) at 8:30 AM and Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM. The weekday Divine Liturgy lasts little over 1 hour.

Feast Days together with Evening Services are blessed opportunities to come to church for a spiritual uplifting on a day other than Sunday. Please join us! For dates and times, please see our monthly calendar.


Sunday School

Sunday School Registration

Greek School

Classes are in full swing!

Each September, please register and find all our safety guidelines, parent/student handbook, registration forms (4), and class schedule on our school's website at:



Wednesdays:  4:00 - 7:00 PM (grades 5 & 6)

Thursdays:  4:00 - 7:00 PM  (grades 1 to 4).

For more information and registration, please go here

Online Chapel

Tuesday of the 5th Week

Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.